
Here are some performance checklists and reminders:

Before you leave the house, be sure you have:

• Instrument (percussion – bring your own tuned snare drum)
• Reeds/valve oil/drum sticks...
• 2 copies of your music (your copy and an original for the judge – you will receive these from your band director in our final band rehearsal prior to the event unless you received your piece from a private teacher) ***Be sure your original copy is numbered!!!***
• ​The Solo/Ensemble Information Packet with directions

At your performance time:   
• Hand the judge the original copy of your music.
• TUNE!! Then, wait until the judge lets you know that it is ok to begin.
• After your performance, collect your original music from the judge (wait patiently until he/she is finished writing your sheet).
• THANK the judge and your accompanist!!!!!!
• Congratulations!! Celebrate your success!! ☺ Your director will have scores/judge comments next week.
• It is your responsibility to return your original music to your director during the next band class.

A Final Note
Remember to be prepared, play your best, enjoy yourself, and learn something!! Enjoy a wonderful performance and "break a leg!"

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