Oak Grove School District Strategic Plan
Oak Grove School District has long been an educational leader committed to improvement to ensure our students receive the highest quality education. To chart our course for the future, developing an updated strategic plan is among our top priority for spring, 2024.
Our strategic planning process relies heavily on input from our stakeholders, including teachers, staff, administrators, students, parents, and community members. We want all residents, not just families with children in our schools, to join. The process will result in a shared vision for our ideal future and priorities for the next five years.
The planning process will follow a four-phase approach supported by school strategic plan experts HYA (Hazard, Young, Attea Associates). The comprehensive process will take approximately six months.
- Organizational Readiness - district planning, preparation, and shared learning.
- Inclusive Engagement - Community-wide survey and community forums (in-person on March 11 and virtual on March 12).
- Focus on the Future - Using data and feedback to create the strategic plan.
- Implement & Evaluate - Create action plans and measures to operationalize the plan.
This website will be a hub of information for the community, tracking our progress through this four-phase process.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Strategic Planning, the Survey, and Forums
Click questions to reveal answers
What is the purpose of the strategic planning process?
The strategic planning process aims to unite our community's diverse perspectives to create a robust plan for the future growth and success of Oak Grove School District. It's about laying a solid foundation that reflects our collective vision and priorities for our students and schools.
Who is involved in the strategic planning process?
Everyone in our community is invited to be part of this process. We believe that the best ideas come from a wide range of voices, including parents, students, staff, and residents without school-aged children. Your involvement is key to our success.
What role do HYA (Hazard, Young, Attea Associates) play in this process?
HYA are experts in school strategic planning. They will guide us through the four-phase approach, ensuring that our process is thorough, inclusive, and effective. Their expertise will help us navigate from organizational readiness to the implementation and evaluation of our strategic plan.
How can I get involved in the strategic planning process?
There are several ways to get involved:- Complete the Online Survey: Share your thoughts, opinions, and feedback through our community survey. It's a vital part of gathering broad input.
- Attend the Community Forums: Join us for in-person or virtual forums to discuss and contribute to the planning process. RSVPs are required for attendance.
Why is it important for me to complete the survey?
Your feedback in the survey provides us with critical insights into the community's needs, expectations, and aspirations. It ensures that the strategic plan reflects the values and priorities of our entire community, not just a select few.
What happens during the community forums?
The community forums are interactive sessions where participants can share their ideas, concerns, and visions for the future of our schools. These forums are a chance for direct engagement and play a crucial role in the inclusive engagement phase of our strategic planning.
How will the information from the survey and forums be used?
The insights gathered from the survey and forums will directly inform the development of our strategic plan. This feedback will help us identify priorities, set goals, and outline strategies for achieving our vision for the district's future.
What are the next steps after the survey and forums?
After gathering input through the survey and forums, we will move into the "Focus on the Future" phase, using the data and feedback to draft our strategic plan. This will be followed by the "Implement & Evaluate" phase, where we develop action plans and measures to bring our strategic plan to life.
Where can I find more information or updates about the strategic planning process?
This website page will be regularly updated with resources and additional information about the strategic planning process. This will be your hub for all related activities and progress reports.
Your participation and feedback are crucial to creating a strategic plan that truly reflects our community's hopes and aspirations for our schools. Thank you for being a part of this important journey.
- Community Mental Health Resources
- Community Newsletters
- District E-Learning Plan
- District Newsletters
- District Organizational Information
- Employment
- Extended Day Program
- Freedom of Information Act
- Mission Statement & Beliefs
- OGS Education Foundation
- State Report Cards
- Strategic Plan
- Superintendent Search
- Threat Assessment & Response Protocol
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