6th Grade

Lori Colclasure

6th SS

Lori Colclasure joined Oak Grove School in August of 2006. Mrs. Colclasure, also known ...

Ashley Douglass

6th grade ELA

Ashley Douglass joined the Oak Grove staff in 1997. She holds a Bachelor's Degree i...

  • Email Ashley Douglass

Ashleigh Grambo

6-8 French

  • Email Ashleigh Grambo

Dan Henneberry

STEM teacher

Mr. Henneberry started at Oak Grove in January of 2005 as an aide in junior high, he ha...

  • Email Dan Henneberry

Lynn Klunder

6th grade Math

Lynn Klunder has worked at Oak Grove School since 1997. Mrs. Klunder studied Elementary...

  • Email Lynn Klunder

Matt Oesch

6th grade Science

Mr. Oesch has been teaching 6th-grade Science at Oak Grove School for many years. He ev...

  • Email Matt Oesch

Jennifer Pittam

6th grade Spanish

Jenny Pittam is the 6th and 7th grade Spanish teacher. She earned her Bachelor degree i...

  • Email Jennifer Pittam

Karyn Thompson

6th grade ELA/TAG ELA

Mrs. Thompson has been an Oak Grove ELA teacher for 27 years. When not teaching, she en...

  • Email Karyn Thompson

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