Mrs. W.Miller's First Grade

Read a little about our curriculum...
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The first grade curriculum is a natural progression from kindergarten. We cover topics in reading, language arts, math, science, social science and writing.  All of our curriculum is aligned to Common Core State Standards.  Below are the programs we use to help us teach the Core.  In addition, daily use of our 1:1 devices (iPads) help us support the International Society for Technology Education (ISTE) Standards.

Daily math maintenance and practice of calendar skills, place value concepts and structuring numbers take place each morning during Number Corner. Daily math lessons come from the Bridges in Mathematics series, and focuses on developing students’ deep conceptual understandings of mathematical concepts, proficiency with key skills, and ability to solve complex and novel problems. Bridges blends direct instruction, structured investigation, and open exploration.  We supplement with both teacher created and commercial games for student practice. 

At Oak Grove, teachers use the Workshop Model to deliver reading and writing instruction. Based on each child's needs, teachers remediate, reinforce or enrich with a variety of other materials as well, inclusive of our extensive Fountas and Pinnell classroom and schoolwide bookroom libraries.  Reading and writing lessons come from the Units of Study by Lucy Calkins.  We use the Reading Horizons discovery program to logically and sequentially teach the framework of phonics, including instruction of the 42 sounds of the alphabet, five phonetic skills and two decoding skills. Zaner Bloser printing is taught and embedded within this program as well. There are supplemental lessons from the Schoolwide program as well as daily practice in the mechanics, usage and grammar through paper-pencil tasks.  

Our science units allign with the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).  Covering one discipline a trimester, our standards are Waves, Light and Sound, Space Systems-Patterns and Systems, and Animal Diversity and Ecosystems.  The Social Science Standards first grade cover include Civics Standards of roles and rules in a community, Economic Standards of goods and services, Geography Standards of constructing and interpreting maps, and History Standards of describing individuals and groups who have shaped a significant historical change.

Your child will be exposed to a variety of fiction and non-fiction texts and writing opportunities as part of all of these experiences. Several published writing pieces will also be completed throughout the year.  Students are provided with a school-issued iPad pre-populated with teacher approved apps designed to reinforce, maintain and extend student learning.  (updated app list forthcoming)

First graders attend PE or health class every morning. Afternoon specials include Spanish, music, drama, library, art and Second Steps and work on a 6-day rotation cycle. The Second Steps program addresses a requirement for social-emotional learning and teaches skills for social and academic success with lessons on Skills for Learning, Empathy, Emotion Management and Problem Solving.  This year it will also encompass mindfulness.  

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